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Meet Jess Tilbrook – Glow Group Director & Body Inclusive Dietitian

Meet Jess Tilbrook – Glow Group Director & Body Inclusive Dietitian

Welcome, I am so glad you are here.

Healthcare can be an overwhelming space, particularly when trying to find the right clinician to fit your needs, and even more so if past experiences with health professionals have been less than “optimal”.

By way of introducing Glow Group and our philosophies, I thought it may be helpful to share a little more about myself, my life and the reason I feel such a strong connection to the work I do each and every day.

Thank you for being here,



Our Story

I founded Glow Group in 2018 as a safer space for people pursuing support in the nutrition space. Traditionally, Dietitians have been viewed as the “food police” with many clients experiencing shame or guilt at the hands of our discipline. This needed to change.

Glow Group practices from a body inclusive, trauma informed and neurodiversity affirming lens.


  • We rarely, if ever, weigh our clients (and if we do, it is for a very particular clinical condition, and with consent)
  • We believe health is not a size, but rather, a spectrum and looks different on everybody
  • We work hard with our clients to break food rules, not make them
  • We are aware that everyone’s nervous system is wired differently, and will meet you where you are at.


  • We appreciate that how neurodivergent individuals relate to food is not a problem to be ‘fixed’. There is no forcing you to eat broccoli here!

Learn More About Our Philosophy Here


Key to Me

So, here’s just a little about me, my life and how I like to practise.

  • / I’m a dreamer, and love to create!
  • / I’m a Lived Experience Professional, having recovered from my own eating disorder as a young adult.
  • / I’m Neurodivergent, an ADHDer, and truly believe diverse brains make the world a beautiful place.
  • / My daughter lives with a rare neurological condition and is an NDIS participant. I am passionate about advocating for good dietetic care in the NDIS space.



  • / Art Journalling
  • / Thrifting
  • / Reading
  • / Rediscovering Movement – my own way



  • / Unsolicited health advice
  • / Weight stigma
  • / Red tape and barriers to healthcare access
  • / Cooked capsicum!


My Clinical Passion Areas

Supporting individuals with Eating Disorders and Disordered Eating to find peace (or neutrality) with food.

Including support for:

  • / Anorexia Nervosa
  • / Bulimia Nervosa
  • / Binge Eating Disorder
  • / Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
  • / Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorders
  • / Disordered Eating
  • / Body Image Concerns
  • / “Emotional Eating”
  • / “Over Eating”
  • / Chronic Dieting
  • / Food Anxiety
  • / Sensory Differences Impacting Eating
  • / Related Gut Health Concerns

Neurodiversity Affirming Nutrition Care

  • / Particularly, Neurodivergence and it’s intersection with Eating Disorders
  • / and Nutrition for ADHDers

 Nutrition support for those navigating complex mental health and trauma.

Including, but not limited to:

  • / Nutrition in the context of C- PSTD
  • / Nutrition in the context of depression, anxiety, OCD
  • / Nutrition in the context of bipolar, borderline personality disorder, schizophrenia

Reproductive Health

  • / Particularly PCOS, and it’s intersection with eating disorders, disordered eating and body image.

NDIS Nutrition

  • / Nutrition in the context of Psychosocial Disability and Complex Mental Health
  • / Tube Feeding (Enteral Feeding)
  • / NDIS Advocacy


Training and Credentials


  • / Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (2014)
  • / Graduate Diploma Psychology (Current)


  • / Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD)
  • / Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician (CEDC)
  • / Dietitians Australia Eating Disorder Interest Group Executive
  • / NDIS Registered Dietitian

Post-Graduate Training

  • / Motivational Interviewing – Tara McGregor
  • / Nutrition Counselling For Eating Disorders – Marci Evans
  • / RAVES Eating Model – Shane Jeffrey
  • / Trauma Informed Dietetic Care – Fiona Sutherland and Tracy Brown
  • / Inclusive Dietetic Care for the Trans and Gender Diverse Community – Ari Spanos and Majella Jones

Professional Presentations/and or Publications

  • / Co-Presented “An Introduction to Working with Body Image for Dietitians” for Dietitians Australia 2023
  • / Developed “Gut Health and Eating Disorders” clinician resource for Dietitians Australia 2022
  • / Presented ‘Healthy Relationships with Food At Home” for the Facebook Head Office, Australia


How do I like to practise?

I feel my clients would describe my approach as gentle, warm and a little lighthearted and silly (where appropriate). I am a proud intersectional feminist, so this also comes across strongly in my work. I take my time to understand you, and your story, and will do my best to centre your health intentions, and guide you when you feel ready.

If you have made it this far, thanks for joining me!

To learn more about our other clinicians click here.

Alternatively, if you would like to book an appointment, please fill out our appointment request form here.









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